Wednesday, August 6, 2008

MailboX Bombs

U need

Two liter bottle of chlorine (must contain sodium hypochlorate)
Small amount of sugar
Small amount of water

Mix all three of these in equal amounts to fill about 1/10 of the bottle. Screw on the lid and place in a mailbox. It's hard to believe that such a small explosion will literally rip the mailbox in half and send it 20 feet into the air! Be careful doing this,  though, because if you are caught, it is not up to the person whose mailbox you blew up to press charges. It is up to the city.


Unknown said...

First of all congratulations for your rating, equally enlightening and asked. That said, some details could include more details such as towards the conclusion. It's just a way to say I'm eager to read more.

Unknown said...

First of all congratulations for your rating, equally enlightening and asked. That said, some details could include more details such as towards the conclusion. It's just a way to say I'm eager to read more.

مدون said...

موقع شبابيك الثقافي يعرض لكثير من المقالات مثل سلسلة مارواء الطبيعة ويمكنك الاطلاع على تفاصيل الصراع بين الأمين  والمأمون ابناء هارون الرشيد ، وكذلك يمكنك مشاهدة موقع بنوك متخصص في أخبار البنوك في مصر والخليج مثل فيزا مزيد كاش باك من بنك دبي الوطني